I love music! I really love music that exalts Jesus, or calls us to love Him more!
Matthew West is one of my favorite Christian artists. God has given him a heart for writing lyrics that calls us to really think about who we are as Christians. His latest song, Truth be Told calls us to really think about who we are as believers . . . about how we frequently hide who we really are from those who should be closest to us. The lyrics to the song are below. I just want to look at what God is saying through Matthew and call us to really think about who it is we present ourselves as. This is particularly important as we are in the last week of Jesus' life in Matthew's Gospel, and how Jesus calls us to really think about who we are, and who we are pretending to be. I will put my comments below prefaced with my name.
Lie number one you're supposed to have it all together
And when they ask how you're doing
Just smile and tell them, "Never better"
Lie number 2 everybody's life is perfect except yours
So keep your messes and your wounds
And your secrets safe with you behind closed doors
Larry: who in the world convinced Christians that "we have it all together?" Satan, that's who. The point of the Gospel is that we don't have it all together. That is why we need Jesus! So, when our brother or sister asks "how are you," why do we LIE and tell them everything is fine? Why can't we be honest with one another? I can't pray effectively (James 5:16) for you if I don't what to pray for! The enemy tries to convince us that everyone else has this all figured out . . . except YOU! That is a LIE! I am a pastor. I have an "advanced seminary degree." I am "supposed" to have everything all figured out. Truth be told? I DON'T. I am on the same journey as you. My life is not perfect. Jesus followers: can we just drop the facade and be honest with one another?
Every church thinks they are the friendliest church that has ever existed! Sadly, we are not. We tend to be a clique that turns out to be rather small. We grudgingly "admit" people into that clique, but only if they are sufficiently like us. The church should be a hospital, a safe place for the sick, the sinner, the scarred, the prodigals. THIS church is pastored by a prodigal! Beloved, what would this church look like if we really meant "come as you are?"
Truth be told
The truth is rarely told, now
I say I'm fine, yeah I'm fine oh I'm fine, hey I'm fine but I'm not
I say I'm fine, yeah I'm fine oh I'm fine, hey I'm fine but I'm not
I'm broken
And when it's out of control I say it's under control but it's not
And you know it
I don't know why it's so hard to admit it
When being honest is the only way to fix it
There's no failure, no fall
There's no sin you don't already know
So let the truth be told
There's a sign on the door, says, "Come as you are" but I doubt it
'Cause if we lived like it was true, every Sunday morning pew would be crowded
But didn't you say the church should look more like a hospital
A safe place for the sick, the sinner and the scarred and the prodigals Like me
Well truth be told
The truth is rarely told
Oh am I the only one who says
I'm fine, yeah I'm fine oh I'm fine, hey I'm fine but I'm not
I'm broken
And when it's out of control I say it's under control but it's not
And you know it
I don't know why it's so hard to admit it
When being honest is the only way to fix it
There's no failure, no fall
There's no sin you don't already know
So let the truth be told
Can I really stand here unashamed
Knowin' that you love for me won't change?
Oh God if that's really true
Then let the truth be told
Larry: YES, beloved; we can stand before the very throne of God unashamed! His love for us will never change! Why? Because His love for us is not based on our performance, but on the sacrifice of Jesus!
Larry: being honest with one another; and, most importantly, being honest with God is the only way we can find freedom. Can we all just admit that we are broken, that our lives are out of control? God already knows that, and it does not change His love for us! He put the solution for the mess we have made of our lives into place in Jesus. God already knows the truth about our lives. Will we take Him at His Word and trust Him for the solution? Will the truth be told in our lives, or will we continue living a lie? Truth be told? We need Jesus! We need the solution He brings. We need His love, His acceptance, His sacrifice.
Will we continue trying to live a lie? Or, will we allow His truth to be told through our lives? If you would like to talk about how you can know Jesus, and His life, please email pastor@concordbc.org. I will be happy to tell you the truth about my life and how God can bring His love and acceptance to yours.
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