Every Knee, Every Tongue, EVERYTHING - Philippians 2:10-22
If you reached this page, but are looking for our Belize ministry page, please click here.
We will be traveling to Belize May 31-June 7, 2025 to minister to the people of Bullet Tree, Belize! The documents listed below will be updated as more information becomes available.
Information on flights and what to expect can be found in our Team Information document.
Our 2023 final briefing notes are here. Note: this is a speaking outline . . . it is not written in complete sentences and is here for team member reference!
Our 2023 menu and schedule is posted here!
If God has called you to join us, please visit our contact page and let our pastor know!
Our ministry in Belize this year will be to support missionaries Brandi & Junior McIntosh. We will work alongside them to minister to the people of Bullet Tree, Belize. Our primary ministry will be relationship building. Toward that end, we will conduct Vacation Bible School daily. We will also conduct a visitation ministry. As always, we will give away treat/toy bags and flip-flops (slippers in Belize) as God brings people into our lives.
Our primary goal is evangelism. Evangelism is simply the spreading of the Gospel (the good news about Jesus) by public preaching or personal witness. Our prayer is that every team member will be able to lead at least one person to faith in Jesus. The material that follows will help team members prepare themselves for sharing the Gospel.
Every team member/Christian should be prepared to share their testimony. Your testimony is simply telling someone how you came to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Please, do NOT get stressed over this! You may have never shared your testimony, or tried to lead someone to Jesus. That is fine! God is so gracious and LOVES to fill His children with His Word as they present His story! Luke 12:12 says: "the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." Your part in making this promise come true is to study the material below . . . to know it . . . to know your story and how God's Word has changed your life. God promises that if you will get into His Word, when the time comes, He will AMAZE you with what He says through you! What a privilege!
Note: all of the resources/links presented below are associated with the Southern Baptist Convention. This fellowship is a Southern Baptist fellowship. There are numerous resources from different evangelical Christan faith traditions that you will find useful! If you have a question about a resource, please talk to our pastor! The point here is: SHARE YOUR FAITH WITH SOMEBODY! You will never die because of Jesus! You are blessed and adopted by the King of the Universe! Isn't it important for you to share that with someone and encourage them to receive what you have?
Your Story Is His Story
Every time you tell your story of how you became a follower of Jesus (your testimony), you give honor and glory to God, and He is pleased with that.
Your story — regardless of how “spectacular” or “ordinary” you think it is — is a story about God’s character. It is your eyewitness account of how God rescued you from sin and death through Jesus Christ and changed your life as a result. You should be able to deliver your testimony in as little as 2 minutes (if you are pressed for time), or a more lengthy time (if you have time to dialog with the person).
When you share your story with others, you help them get to know what God is like and what He can do.
There are five basic parts to telling your story:
- The Opening. Identify a theme you can use to frame your story. What did your life revolve around (e.g., relationships, your reputation, money) that God used to help bring you to Him? Briefly illustrate how that influenced your life.
- Your Life Before Christ. Paint a picture of what your life was like before you came to Christ. Don’t dwell too much on or brag about past sins or struggles. Share only the details that relate to your theme — just enough to show your need for Christ.
- How You Came to Christ. Give the details about why and how you became a Christian. Communicate in such a way that the person you are talking with, and anyone who overhears you, can understand how they can become a Christian too. Even if your listeners are not ready for that, God could use your story and explanation of the gospel to draw them to Himself in the future.
- Your Life After Coming to Christ. Share some of the changes that Christ has made in your life as they relate to your theme. Emphasize the changes in your character, attitude or perspective, not just the changes in behavior. Be realistic. We still struggle as Christians. Life is far from perfect. But what’s different about your life now?
- The Closing. End with a statement that summarizes your story and connects everything back to your theme. Ask them if they are ready to receive Jesus as their Savior! You may even want to close with a Bible verse that relates to your experience.
Guidelines for preparing your testimony:
- Pray before you write out and share your story.
- Write the way you speak.
- Don’t be overly negative or positive. Be honest.
- Don’t criticize or name any church, denomination, organization, etc.
- Think about your listeners. Avoid "religious" terms.
- Keep it short. Aim to tell your story in three to five minutes.
- Practice telling your story until it becomes natural.
One of the most effective, and easiest to remember, ways of presenting the Gospel is the Romans Road. This plan only uses verses from the book of Romans. You don't need to memorize these verses in perfect King James English! You should practice your memorization of these verses until they are just natural to you and you can work the concept of these verses into a normal conversation. Memorize them in your own words!
For example: "there was a time in my life that I became aware that something was missing. Something just wasn't right. I understood that it was because I was not doing what God wanted. I knew that because of my separation from God that I would die. But someone told me that God would give me the gift of eternal life when Jesus became my Lord. You ask, why would God give me such a gift? Because He loves me and He showed me that there was nothing He wouldn't do to make me His child, even allowing His Own Son to die for what I had done wrong. So, I believed what the Bible said: that God had raised Jesus from the dead after He had died for the things I had done that were wrong. That brought me to the point that I confessed that Jesus is my Lord and my Savior. God showed me that if I called on His name, I would be saved, and be His child forever."
As you can see, the paragraph above (look at the verses below and then compare them to the paragraph above) is the Romans Road plan of salvation! It is delivered in simple, plain English and does not use any "church" words that the hearer may not understand. It takes less than one minute to read the paragraph above, but you have presented the entire Gospel in that time! Note: that paragraph is just one example of how to quickly present the Romans Road plan of salvation! Each time I tell it, I use slightly different words. The point here is for you to read the verses below and find a natural way to communicate what the Bible says! If you need help, please let our pastor know! He would be HAPPY (DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY) to help you learn how to present your testimony and the Gospel!
Because of your sin, you are separated from God. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
The penalty for sin is death. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
The penalty for your sin was paid by Jesus Christ! “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
If you repent of your sin, confess and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will be saved from your sins! “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). “For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved’” (Romans 10:13).
A discussion of the Romans Road can be found here.
Another very effective way to present the Gospel uses only John 3:16, a verse almost everyone knows!
The outline: He loved, He gave, we believe, we live! The first part of the verse tells us that God loves us SO much! He then tells us that He gave us His Own, only Son to pay the price for our sin. Our response is to believe. If we do, we live! There are a lot of other verses you could bring into this discussion. You can also easily bring your own experience with Jesus to show the truth of this verse! If the Romans Road seems like a lot to memorize, work on this presentation of the Gospel!
There is no wrong way to present the Gospel! Just tell people what God has done in your life!
You do NOT have to be able to present ALL of the material below! These are tools you may find useful. You may find that you are comfortable combining parts of each, or using a completely different way to tell His story! Pick the one you feel most comfortable with and learn how to use it effectively. Again, our pastor would LOVE to help you learn how to use ANY of them! There are many other ways to share your faith! If you have a method that fits your gifting better, PLEASE feel free to use it, AND let your pastor know!
Three Circles
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life. But sharing it with someone can be as simple as three circles. Discover how you can share the Gospel with anyone.
A presentation of how to use Three Circles can be found on the North American Mission Board website ( this link contains complete information, including links to videos not linked in the next sentence). You can also watch a presentation here.
A pdf of the trainees guide is available here.
Live This
Live This is content developed by David Platt (Secret Church, former director of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, pastor).
The Best News
The Best News is material developed by the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.
This material will help you share the Gospel.
The participant guide for this material is here, and the leader guide is here.
An example of how to use this in a conversation can be found here.
Your pastor has the videos for all of this content! If you would like to dig deeper on any of these methods, please let your pastor know!