Covenant of Concord Baptist Church
Since in these latter days professors of Christianity are so different in their principles and practices that they cannot generally hold communion together; we therefore mutually consent and agree to embody ourselves together as a religious society, to worship God, through faith in Jesus Christ; depending on Him for the salvation of our souls, and for the blessings and immunities of this life; according to what we find contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; which we believe to be the revealed mind and will of God, containing the precious and soul-reviving doctrines of justification by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, both active and passive apprehended by faith. Sanctification through God’s grace and truth, and the final perseverance of the saints in grace.
For a more full declaration of our practice we refer to the Old and New Testaments of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Being constituted into a church congregation all being baptized; on confession of our faith in Christ Jesus, by the direct immersion of our whole bodies once in water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do agree to submit ourselves to the ordinances and discipline of this church as part of Christ’s visible kingdom; agreeing that being blessed with the aiding grace of God’s Holy Spirit, we will go towards one another as brethren in Christ; to hold communion together in the worship of God, and in the celebration of his ordinances, with a true and becoming regard to all His commands as we shall be directed by His Word and Spirit For the purposes aforesaid we are to attend our respective meetings, especially our church meetings unless providentially hindered; and in such case to render a reason to the church when called for - to watch over one another in the fear of God - to reprove and admonish in Christian charity, and brotherly love, not discovering the infirmities of one another out of the community, where it may be avoided, nor to any in the community but by gospel rule and order, according to the best light we may have from the Word of God - to endeavor to maintain an unspotted life and character at home and abroad - to communicate of our worldly substance according to our several abilities, to the glory of God in the decent support of the church and ministry - and not to remove our abode out of the bounds of this church without making an order by application for a dismission from the same.
In witness of which we mutually consent and agree to have set hereunto our names.
Articles of Faith
Article 1 We believe in one only true and living God where being three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.
Article 2 We believe that the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and the only rule of Faith and Practice
Article 3 We believe the doctrine of original sin; that all mankind since the fall are children of wrath one as much as another
Article 4 We believe that man is unable to extricate himself from his fallen state by his own freewill or ability, and that therefore a Savior is absolutely needed.
Article 5 We believe that sinners are justified by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, through Faith.
Article 6 We believe the doctrine of election, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, (unto obedience,) and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Article 7 We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are gospel ordinances; and that believers are the only fit subjects, and admit no others knowingly.
Article 8 We believe that no one has a right to administer the ordinances but such as are called and qualified thereunto.
Article 9 We believe that the true mode of Baptism is immersion.
Article 10 We believe that the Saints will finally persevere in Grace - that being born again, and adopted into the family of Heaven, Christ will raise them up at the last day.
Article 11 We believe that there will be a general judgement day, when all shall be raised from the dead and brought before the judgement seat of Christ, and there be judged according to the deeds done in the body.
Article 12 We believe that the punishment of the wicked will be everlasting, and the joys of the righteous will be eternal.
Article 13 Notwithstanding, none of the above articles shall be so construed, as to hold with eternal, personal, particular and unconditional election and reprobation or so as to injure any of the children of men.
Article 14 We do not believe that any doctrine, that goes to indulge or encourage people in their sins, or to cause them to settle down on any thing short of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, is according to the Word of God and therefore reject all such doctrine.
Constitution and By-Laws
Concord Baptist Church
Article I - Name and Purpose
1. This church shall be known as the Concord Baptist Church of 436 Concord Road, Mohawk, Tennessee 37810.
2.This church shall be organized and exist for the purpose of initiating, promoting, and maintaining the worship of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and recorded in the Holy Bible. This church shall be dedicated to a program of teaching for edification, preaching for propagation of the Gospel, training for self-discipline, and winning of souls to Jesus Christ. This church shall adopt and sustain a Church Covenant and Articles of Faith as agreed upon, in keeping with the doctrines and beliefs of Southern Missionary Baptist Churches, and herein appended to this constitution and By-Laws.
Article II - Membership
1. This church shall consist of baptized believers in Christ who are in substantial agreement with the Church Covenant and Articles of Faith as adopted by this church.
2. Members may be received at any regular service of the church, or dismissed at any regular or called business meeting of the church.
3. Members shall be received by:
Baptism as believers in Christ
- Letter from a church of like faith and order
- Statement of the individual that he has been a member of a Baptist Church of like faith and order.
4. Members may be dismissed by:
- Letter granted to the church of like faith and order to which the member desires to transfer membership.
- By disciplinary action as contained in Article VI, §3.
5. Members who unite with churches of other faith and order shall be dropped from the roll upon factual known knowledge or by request.
Article III - Meetings and Government
- This church shall hold regular meeting for worship, teaching, training, and fellowship at such times and places as the church may direct.
- The church year shall run from September 1 to August 31, and newly elected officers, teachers, and workers shall assume their duties the first Sunday in September.
- The church shall at its regular July business meeting appoint a nominating committee for the duration of one year. This committee shall offer its recommendation of all its officers, teachers, and workers at the August business meeting, with the privilege of substitution nominations from the congregation. During the September meeting the clerk will present the annual report which will constitute an associational church letter.
- The church shall hold a regular business meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, at which time all officers, organizations and committees shall make a monthly report.
- Special meetings of the church may be called by the pastor, or by three deacons, or on a signed written request of fifteen members. At such meetings, no business shall be transacted except that for which the meeting was called, and only after such notice has been given of the Sunday preceding the called meeting.
- The Lord's Supper shall be observed quarterly, preferably on the first Sunday of each quarter.
- The government of this church shall be congregational in nature and shall be vested in the membership. A two-thirds majority vote of those present shall decide all issues except where otherwise stated.
- The pastor shall preside at all meetings of the church except when in the absence of the pastor the chairman of the deacons shall preside.
- Robert's Rules of Order shall be the standard of procedure in all deliberative meetings.
- To constitute a quorum for the transaction of business ten members must be present. The presiding officer shall not be counted in the quorum.
Article IV - Officers and Duties
- The officers of this church shall be a pastor, music director, deacons, superintendent of Sunday School, director of Training Union, president of Brotherhood, president of Woman's Missionary Union, clerk, treasurer, trustees, YPF director, and such other officers as the church may direct.
- Annually elected officers shall be elected at the August business meeting of the church on recommendation of a Nominating Committee, with the privilege of substitute nominations from the congregation.
- An elected church officer, teacher, or worker may resign his position on thirty days written notice to the church.
- The pastor shall be called by the church to a term of indefinite service. The election of a pastor shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, and not until public announcement of such has been made one week before such meeting. A prospective pastor shall be recommended by a Pulpit Committee elected by the church for that purpose. Only one man at a time shall be recommended.
- Whenever the pastor expects to leave a pastorate of this church, he shall give the church thirty days advanced notice.
- The pastor shall have charge of the welfare and oversight of the church. He shall be ex-officio member of all organizations and committees. He shall work in harmony with the deacons for pulpit supply and for ministers with his position as pastor.
- Deacons shall be elected in a regular business meeting of the church after prior investigation and recommendation of a special nomination committee elected by the church for that purpose. Deacons shall be selected from among those members whose qualifications shall be:
- Sound moral character
- Active supporters of the entire church program
- Members of Concord Baptist Church for one year
- Whenever a vacancy occurs, the church shall take necessary steps in filling that vacancy.
- The deacons shall regard themselves as servants of the church. They shall assist the pastor in his duties and maintain an oversight of the general welfare of the church. They shall seek the approval of the church in any proposed expenditure of money or change of property.
- The deacons shall meet regularly as they shall determine. They shall meet in August and elect a chairman and secretary. The chairman shall call and preside over all meetings, the secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings.
- The superintendent of Sunday School shall have oversight of the entire school, and shall maintain and promote the organization and program of the Sunday School subject to the approval of the church. He shall be in charge of literature and materials, conduct teacher's and officers' meetings, make and promote plans for Sunday School advance, see that all vacancies are filled, and make monthly and annual reports to the church.
- The director of Training Union shall have oversight of all the Unions. He shall maintain and promote the organization and program of the Training Union subject to the approval of the church. He shall be in charge of literature and materials, conduct workers' conferences, make and promote plans for Training Union advance, and make monthly and annual reports to the church.
- The president of the Woman's Missionary Union shall seek to enlist all girls and women of the church in a program of missionary training, giving, and activity according to the program of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Southern Baptist Convention. She shall make monthly and annual reports to the church.
- The president of the Brotherhood shall seek to enlist all boys and men of the church in a program of activity and missionary education as set forth in the program of the Brotherhood Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He shall make monthly and annual reports to the church.
- The church clerk shall keep a full and complete record of all proceedings of the church, keep an up-to-date list of all members, and write all letters ordered by the church if not otherwise designated. The clerk shall prepare the annual associational letter.
- The church treasurer shall disburse all monies as required. No money shall be disbursed without the prior consent of the church. All checks shall be signed by the treasurer. All monies shall be deposited as soon as possible following the collection of such monies.
- The trustees shall hold in trust all church property, execute all contracts, deeds, mortgages, etc. of the church. Unexpected expenses above $200.00 shall be valid only after approval of the church. Their duties shall include the oversight of church property, observation of and reporting of material needs.
- A music director's role shall be to enlist church members and others in the music program of the church. The director shall direct the church choirs, provide special music, and in general improve and advance the music program.
- The YPF director shall coordinate youth activities, try to develop interests for the youth, and try to develop programs for their spiritual growth. The director is to coordinate all programs as to time and date, to be sure work is started on time for certain programs, and to coordinate visiting churches and youth groups. The director is also to coordinate church fellowships and all fellowships need to work with the YPF director as to time and date so doubling up will not take place. The YPF (Youth Program Fellowship) Director will work directly with the Pastor in this office.
Article V - Committees
- 1. The standing committees for the church year shall be:
Lord's Supper
Cemetery and Grounds
DecorationThese committees shall be elected at the September business meeting of the church (on recommendation of a Nomination Committee) with the privilege of substitute nominations from the congregation. Other committees such as Nomination Committee, Pulpit Committee, etc. shall be elected as needed. - Each committee shall meet as soon as possible after election in order to appoint a chairperson and set plans of operation.
- A Baptism Committee shall be composed of two men and two women whose duties shall be to assist in preparing candidates for baptism and to assist them after baptism.
- A Lord's Supper Committee shall be composed of three women who will prepare the elements and table for the observance of the Lord's Supper, and have in charge the containers and materials thereof.
- A Welfare Committee shall be composed of two men and three women whose duties shall be the collecting and distribution of food or material needs to bereaved and/or needy families, sending flowers to all deceased members. Material needs outside the church membership shall be handled by a free-will offering on approval of the church.
- The Cemetery and Grounds Committee shall be composed of 5 persons, more or less as the church directs, whose duties shall be to maintain and handle all affairs incident to the use and appearance of the cemetery, church grounds and properties of the church. This committee shall report all needs to and work under the direction of the Trustees.
- The Library Committee shall be composed of a librarian and two assistants whose duties shall be to collect, handle, and distribute library books in accordance with plans and procedures, and not until after church approval.
- The Music Committee shall be composed of 5 church members, more or less as the church directs, two of whom are choir members, whose duties shall be
- Maintenance and supply of music materials
• Recommendation to the church of music needs including church organist and pianist
• Promoting a program of enlistment in the music program of the church
This committee shall work in close harmony with the music director. - The Decoration Committee shall be composed of four church members, more or less. Their duties shall be to encourage financial support for the upkeep and maintenance of the cemetery. The annual Decoration Day is the second Sunday in June of each year.
Article VI - Discipline
- Offenses shall be considered as one of two classes:
Private, where one shall trespass against another (Matthew 18).
Public, where one shall trespass against the church (1 Corinthians 9-11). - No complaint shall be preferred in church conference against any member for private offense until after the course recommended in Matthew 18 shall have been pursued toward him, and any charge preferred against a member in church conference shall be in writing.
- No person shall be excluded until he shall have been notified to appear before the church and shall have had opportunity to reply to charges preferred against him. A three-fourths vote by ballot of those present and voting shall be necessary to withdraw the hand of fellowship.
Article VII - Miscellaneous
- All church officers and all general officers, teachers, and leaders of the church organizations shall be elected by and responsible to the church.
- All organizations and activities connected with the church or carried on under its name and authority shall be subject to the church and considered as an organized part of the church. These shall make reports to the church when requested to do so. No group shall be organized without the approval of the church. Weddings and anniversary receptions shall be permitted. Anyone using the church building will be responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the church.
- The church building has been dedicated to God and His worship, and shall not be used for any purpose out of harmony with its sacred character.
- This church is a free, autonomous, independent body, congregational in nature with authority to determine for itself in the manner set forth in this Constitution and By-Laws, free of any outside control, authority, or power.
- This church seeks active cooperation with and participation in the Nolachucky Baptist Association, Tennessee Baptist Convention, Southern Baptist Convention, and Baptist World Alliance.
Article VIII - Amendment
- Any part of this Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any monthly meeting, or called meeting, by a three-fourths vote of those present, provided such amendment has been proposed in writing thirty days prior to the vote.
- A copy of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be kept by the clerk at all times among the records and another copy kept in the church office. Copies of this document shall be made available to church members when requested.
- A copy of the Church Covenant and a copy of the Articles of Faith shall be at all times attached to and constituted a part of this Constitution and By-Laws.
- The adoption by Concord Baptist Church in regular business session of this Constitution and By-Laws is hereby made effective on:
August 6, 1997
September 4, 1996
June 3, 1992
January 8, 1986
November 7, 1984
October 1, 1976
Original: June 1970
Church Covenant
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior,
And on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
We do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort;
To promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines;
To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances;
To walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment;
To avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger;
To abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love;
To remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech;
To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.
We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.